Old Glory v kombinaci s Foundry. Tentokrát OG jednoznačně vítězí nad anatomicky poněkud "trpasličí" figurkou z prastaré produkce od ďábelských dvojčat... Vše opět v 28 mm.
7TV - WW2 (1)
7TV as a system breaks down into "genres", each of which have their own
sub-rules and terminology. These genres are currently undergoing a bit of
a reva...
Beja completed!
This week I have finished the Beja contingent for the Mahdists - I've
halved the Mahdist lead pile! It's not the end of painting Mahdists for a
while lon...
Seven Years War at Partizan
Sorry for the lack of posts this last few weeks! I have been very busy
getting the, Seven Years War, demonstration game ready for the 2nd Partizan
show ...
BERTHIER Michala Šťovíčka
Napsat biografii jedné z předních napoleonských osobností mě na jednu
stranu dlouho lákalo, na druhou stranu se mi do ní dlouho nechtělo – obával
jsem s...
Antoine de Crequy
Antoine de Crequy, Seigneur de Pontdormy.
In comparison to my Tudor army I've found it rather difficult to find many
details of the French commanders so...
Old School Transport
This one has been around a while, no major mods by me, bar adding the
reigns. Had a disaster with the picture session, but you'll get the idea!
Neil, all...
October already?
The annual update was meant as a joke initially, but has become a sad
This year blogging has taken a severe hit by Photobucket's policy change.
Waterloo, Braine l'Alleud
Was lucky enough to visit the Waterloo battlefield in Belgium last week, it
has been on my bucket list for a long time. I wasn’t disappointed, 200
years ...
Hello to all followers of this blog. I have decided to move the blog to a
new address.
This falls in line with our youtube channel and makes the most sense...
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