Alexander Gordon 3rd Earl of Huntly 1460 ish -1524
Another commander to lead the ranks of Scots Pike, Alexander Gordon, 3rd
Earl of Huntly.
Brief biography is here on Wikipedia.
Of particular note, Huntl...
7TV - WW2 (1)
7TV as a system breaks down into "genres", each of which have their own
sub-rules and terminology. These genres are currently undergoing a bit of
a reva...
Beja completed!
This week I have finished the Beja contingent for the Mahdists - I've
halved the Mahdist lead pile! It's not the end of painting Mahdists for a
while lon...
Seven Years War at Partizan
Sorry for the lack of posts this last few weeks! I have been very busy
getting the, Seven Years War, demonstration game ready for the 2nd Partizan
show ...
BERTHIER Michala Šťovíčka
Napsat biografii jedné z předních napoleonských osobností mě na jednu
stranu dlouho lákalo, na druhou stranu se mi do ní dlouho nechtělo – obával
jsem s...
Old School Transport
This one has been around a while, no major mods by me, bar adding the
reigns. Had a disaster with the picture session, but you'll get the idea!
Neil, all...
October already?
The annual update was meant as a joke initially, but has become a sad
This year blogging has taken a severe hit by Photobucket's policy change.
Waterloo, Braine l'Alleud
Was lucky enough to visit the Waterloo battlefield in Belgium last week, it
has been on my bucket list for a long time. I wasn’t disappointed, 200
years ...
Hello to all followers of this blog. I have decided to move the blog to a
new address.
This falls in line with our youtube channel and makes the most sense...
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